


Council on Foreign and Defense Policy

The Council for Foreign and Defense Policy (CFPD) is a non-governmental public association founded on February 25, 1992 in Moscow by a group of politicians, business association leaders, businessmen, public and state figures, representatives of the power ministries, military-industrial complex, science and mass media information.

The organization’s mission is to help develop and implement strategic concepts for Russia’s development, its foreign and defense policy, the formation of the Russian state and civil society in the country.

Regular informal meetings, conferences, seminars, research projects, informational and educational activities are forms of daily work of the Council.

The CFDP carries out its activities in close cooperation with a number of parliamentary and governmental bodies: the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Council of Federation on Foreign Affairs and Defense; other power ministries and departments; with academic institutes and leading analytical centers in Russia and abroad.

Russia in Global Affairs — Journal on foreign affairs and international relations

Russia in Global Affairs is published in English quarterly since November 2002.

The Russian-language edition of the journal is published bimonthly since its inception in 2002. Russia in Global Affairs was founded by the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP), Russian International Affairs Council, Higher School of Economics – National Research University.

Since 2006 the journal has been published by Foreign Policy Research Foundation.

Since its inception, the journal’s Editor-in-Chief has been Fyodor Lukyanov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. The Editorial Board is headed by Sergei Karaganov, Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy.

National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs

Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of HSE University was established in 2006 and increased the scope of the Faculty of World Economy, which was founded in 2002. It is a centre for research and education focusing on the global economy, international relations, and Asian studies. 

Main subject areas for research and teaching work at the Faculty include: issues in global economic management, global political economy, trade policy, European research, politics, economics, languages and culture of countries in Asia, structural factor trends in global economics and politics, Russian, Eurasian, and integration research, international business, the development of Siberia and the Far East, Russia's economic pivot to the Pacific.

Международный дискуссионный клуб «Валдай»

Международный дискуссионный клуб «Валдай» был создан в 2004 году. Своим названием Клуб обязан месту проведения первой конференции, которая состоялась в Великом Новгороде, недалеко от озера Валдай.

Интеллектуальный потенциал клуба «Валдай» высоко оценивается в России и за рубежом. За годы существования Клуба в его работе приняли участие более 1000 представителей международного научного сообщества из 85 стран мира. В их число входят профессора крупнейших мировых «фабрик мысли» и университетов - Гарвардского, Колумбийского, Джорджтаунского, Стэнфордского, Карлтонского, Лондонского, Каирского, Тегеранского, Восточнокитайского, Токийского, Тель-Авивского, Мессинского, а также Университета имени Джонса Хопкинса, Лондонской школы экономики, Королевского колледжа Лондона, Сьянс По и Сорбонны.

Известность среди международного экспертного сообщества получили региональные конференции клуба «Валдай» – Азиатский, Ближневосточный, Российско-китайский и Евро-атлантический диалоги. Сессии Клуба проводятся в рамках Петербургского международного экономического форума и Восточного экономического форума во Владивостоке.

Участниками конференций клуба «Валдай» только за последние годы стали многие выдающиеся политики, эксперты, общественные деятели и деятели культуры из России и других государств.