


Faced with the daunting new challenges of the global economic crisis, the time has come for the West to re-think its relations with Russia, says Sergei Karaganov. He sets out his plan for an ambitious new collective security agreement
The year 2009 is a year of a seemingly magic combination of the anniversaries of many events that have shaped the world we live in. But the main anniversary in 2009 is 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, which marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War.
The new Russia is no longer a crippled giant Many of the world’s up-and-coming new powers neither embrace nor aspire to the Western model of liberal democracy. This makes the idea of an “alliance of democracies” a nonstarter.
Sergei Karaganov Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy Igor Yurgens Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development The present overall crisis requires a comprehensive restructuring of the outdated and ineffective system of international governance.
In the last century there have been two cold wars – major geopolitical, economic and ideological confrontation. And now a third cold war is being foisted on the world. This one I would call farcical.
The ideas expressed in this article came about long ago and took their final form during the first World Policy Conference held in early October in Evian, France.
EU leaders purposely crushed the Cypriot banking system so as to frighten other debtors Just to get this straight, I don’t have any secret information on the real reason for the Eurogroup’s sudden ultimatum to Cyprus on taxing deposits, that is, to expropriate them partially in exchange for European loans, without which the banking system would collapse.
When the eurogroup of finance ministers first issued its ultimatum to Cyprus demanding a levy on deposits – requiring their de facto partial confiscation – many Russians were indignant. Even Russia’s leaders called the Eurogroup demand absurd, non-professional, unfair and dangerous.
MOSCOW – The atmospherics surrounding Xi Jinping’s coming trip to Russia – his first visit to a foreign country as China’s new president – remind me of a slogan from my early childhood in the late 1950’s: “Russia-China, Friendship Forever.” The irony is that, even in that slogan’s heyday, Sino-Russian relations were deteriorating fast, culminating in spasms of combat along the Amur River in Siberia less than a decade later.


Horizons Debate | The Eagle Meets the Bear | IAN BREMMER & SERGEY KARAGANOV
Report “Russia’s Policy Towards World MajorityReport” was introduced on TASS News Agency press conference on December 27, 2023
S.Karaganov for “Going Underground” on RT
Sergey Karaganov joined the BBC HARDtalk on February 3rd
S. Karaganov for Al Jazeera
Homage to the Northern Khan

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