Сергей Караганов




To begin with, I would like to sum up some developments. It has become obvious that the United States has lost Iraq, and that the situation there is quickly sliding down into a civil war, which will involve adjacent countries.
Unofficial translation Last week, two important foreign policy papers were released in the United States. One is the president’s national security report, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America.
The latest issue of Foreign Affairs, a most respectable and the world’s most popular American magazine on foreign and defense policy, published an article by two young authors – an Assistant Professor and an Associate Professor of good, yet minor, U.S. universities.
Reading recent speeches by some U.S. and NATO people, one might wonder how some Western officials who look so civilized on the surface can be deep down as distracted from reality and, in fact, as geopolitically irrational as only the most radical Islamists have appeared to be.
More and more, we hear talk about putting Ukraine on a fast track for membership in NATO. Let me be clear: Ukraine, like every other nation, has the right to join any alliance it wishes to.
The row over Iran's nuclear program will have major repercussions for Russia. It concerns this country's vital interests, and even its very survival. For all that, this row should not eclipse a more general problem of nuclear weapons proliferation, which has become a reality.
But despite these positive trends, things are looking less rosy on the country's domestic political front. An increasing number of Russians has begun expressing discontent, if not hatred, for the ruling elite. This is disturbingly reminiscent of the unstable political environment of the Soviet Union from 1989 to 1991.
The article is largely based on the conclusions stated in the Valdai Club report “Russia Should Not Miss Its Chance.” The author is grateful to Valdai Club members for the ideas used by the author herein.
The “reset” of Russian-U.S. relations has petered out as the new agenda for it never materialized and failed to give it an impulse and relations inevitable started to slide back.


Report “Russia’s Policy Towards World MajorityReport” was introduced on TASS News Agency press conference on December 27, 2023
S.Karaganov for “Going Underground” on RT
Sergey Karaganov joined the BBC HARDtalk on February 3rd
S. Karaganov for Al Jazeera
Homage to the Northern Khan
S.Karaganov for Czech newspaper

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