Сергей Караганов




By Vladislav Inozemtsev & Sergei Karaganov The international order that had its beginnings with the Treaty of Westphalia (1648)--in short, a world comprised of sovereign territorial states--is coming to a close.
The current immigration situation is extremely alarming. During the past year or two, the number of immigrants coming to Russia has not exceeded 200,000 per year, which is 4 to 6 times less than the number needed to compensate for the natural population loss.
Only the lazy do not speak about the growing crisis in Russia-US relationship. The world is waiting for the Bratislava summit between Vladimir Putin and George Bush with mixed feelings dominated by concern. There are objective and subjective reasons for this.
Two European Union bodies recently issued similar documents calling for a revision of the EU's policy toward Russia. One of them contained recommendations prepared by the European Parliament's committee on foreign affairs for the European Council. The other was prepared by the European Commission.
I am amazed that the country is still alive and functioning after ten years of revolutionary chaos and turmoil in the 1990s. That came after 70 years of communist dictatorship that cost the country tens of millions of lives in the civil war, Gulag camps, artificial famines, forced collectivisation and so on.
Today, 21 years later, the results are disheartening. The euphoria of the times of the Paris Charter was gone as sober judgment reasserted itself.
This is, above all, an unprecedentedly swift redistribution of power in the economy, accompanied by an increasing redistribution of power in politics. The Europeans, who would until quite recently preach in arrogant tone, have come to the brink of humbly asking financial assistance from the still communist and rather hard-up Chinese.


Report “Russia’s Policy Towards World MajorityReport” was introduced on TASS News Agency press conference on December 27, 2023
S.Karaganov for “Going Underground” on RT
Sergey Karaganov joined the BBC HARDtalk on February 3rd
S. Karaganov for Al Jazeera
Homage to the Northern Khan
S.Karaganov for Czech newspaper

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